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Download OSArmor

Download setup file of OSArmor Personal, Business and Enterprise version for Windows
Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 (32 & 64-bit). The application will run for 30-days and then it will ask you to enter a valid license key to continue using it (see pricing plans). All executable files are digitally signed and free from adware.
If you have questions please check our frequently asked questions.


This is the home version for private users (not for businesses). The setup file size is 50 MB.


This version can be used within your company and is for businesses. The setup file size is 50 MB.


Built with features to manage OSArmor from any location. The setup file size is 50 MB.

Product Details

Version 2.0.2
Last Updated June 16, 2024
Operating System Windows 7 SP1, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (32 & 64-bit)
Server Version Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022 (32 & 64-bit)
Category Malware Prevention Tool
License Type Shareware
Setup File Size ~50 MB
Install Size ~40 MB

How to Install OSArmor

The installation is very simple: open the Downloads folder and double-click on the setup file,
click Yes on User Account Control window, then accept the EULA and click the Next
button to install the program. Once OSArmor has been successfully installed, you will see its icon in
the Desktop and in the system tray.

How to Activate OSArmor

After you have installed OSArmor, open the GUI (right-click in the system tray icon and
select Show/Hide Window) then click on the top-menu Help -> License Status. Now the Activator GUI
will be shown, here just enter your license key and click the Activate button. Make sure
you have an Internet connection active.

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